The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Meg
Date: 2001-01-12 23:52
I am playing at a Fesitval in my home state of Michigan and in putting together a solo, I have been looking for a recording of the piece Scene and Air from the opera Luisa di Montfort by Micheal Bergson. Has anybody heard of it before? Do you have a recording or know where I can get one?
On another note, I was here before asking about a ligature. I received a lot of advice and took it seriously. After trying a number of them, I chose the BG Revelation ligature. The tone is very pure and it is extremely freeblowing. Thanks for all your help!
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Author: Tim2
Date: 2001-01-14 22:38
I have the music. I have not heard of any recording of this before. What do you want to know about interpreting the piece?
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