The Clarinet BBoard
Author: moonshine30
Date: 2010-05-11 21:22
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Hi there everyone. I got this clarinet, one among many vintage clarinets that I can't seem to keep my self from buying off ebay. I swear that site is like a land mine, you never know what your gonna get!!
Anyway, here is the info on the clarinet:
Jean Cagnon?? Acadamie Model wood clarinet and says Paris
Serial number # 10,109
All pieces are marked the same
I don't know anything else other than that and can't seem to find any info on this clarinet either here or by googling.
I got this clarinet off of ebay from a guy who bought out a 60+ year old music store(or that's what he claimded).
I brought it to a local music store and had some guy(who wasn't their clarinet expert) briefly look at it and he thought it might be a buffet in origin.
Any information about this horn would be greatly appreciated.
I am attaching pictures. Please let me know if anyone needs better or more detailed pictures. Thanks!!
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Author: moonshine30
Date: 2010-05-11 21:28
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Here are more pictures.
Also, the case is a Leblanc case that came from kenosha, WI, so I'm guessing it's not the original case but not sure. There is a sticker on the front of the case that says:
Viner Music Co.
Bangor, Maine
Apparently the Viner head of household(father) had a music store back in the day in bangor maine. His son is a well known clarinetist. Maybe this is the store the guy on ebay bought.
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Author: chris moffatt
Date: 2010-05-15 02:07
well the usual resources are completely silent about Jean Cagnon - and I did check for Jean Gagnon too! nothing! So it's pretty sure that it's a stencil. If you think it's a Buffet, or might be, check out this post from way back by Ken Shaw:
Looking at the keywork in the photos I don't think it is a Buffet. My next thought was Couesnon but I don't think that's right either......maybe (just maybe) Martin Freres? Do some of the keys have a dot on them where a screw holding a flat spring comes out to the key surface? I couldn't tell from the pictures but it could help date the horn a little better.
Any more pictures of the keywork available? especially fairly close up? I haven't had a chance to check Constant Pierre yet, it's possible that this maker was one of the many small guys around Ivry......However prepare yourself for the possibility that you might never know who made this horn
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Author: GLHopkins
Date: 2010-05-15 02:23
It doesn't look like Malerne or Couesnon to me. I'm sure it isn't Buffet, Selmer, Marigaux or Leblanc.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2010-05-15 11:20
It's hard to tell from the photos, but the throat A key may be a replacement -- it looks shinier than the others.
It has a Buffet-ish look, but there are small differences. Compared with my R13 (from 1973), there are no "wings" on the end of the connecting tab at the bottom of the upper joint. However, some techs (Moennig, for example) used to cut them off. More telling is the fact that the upper post supporting the left-hand ring keys is noticeably further up the body than on my R13.
The main question is how it plays. Or is it in playable condition?
Ken Shaw
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Author: moonshine30
Date: 2010-05-18 17:41
Sorry it took so long for me to get back to everyone. No, this clarinet isn't in playing condition. And yes, the A key is not the original key, which kinda stinks!! My uneducated thought was that it might be a stencil too. I had a repair tech who I met off of craigs list and sells high end horns on ebay have a look at it the other day and he didn't think it was a buffett either. He thought it was probably a stencil too. I have decided not to keep it in any case as I have a Leblanc Dynamic 2 that I just picked up at a thrift store for a good deal the other day. Looks like it had been freshly rehauled and only needed one tenon cork replaced, so I got that fixed and am now tooting away, finally!!
Basically, I think I was feeding my desire to be playing the clarinet by buying old clarinets, cleaning them up, and researching them when what I really wanted to be doing was playing again.
The business person in me is having a hard time justify keeping the leblanc because of it's value, but I know the chances of me ever stumbling across a deal again for this kind of clarinet are remote and I am finally playing again.
Sorry if this discussion is off topic. Thanks for everyone's help on this clarinet. If anyone has any new info please let me know.
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