The Clarinet BBoard
Author: William
Date: 2010-04-11 18:57
Forestone has made a small change in the manufacturing process--no longer hand-sanding each reed--and I am quite impressed how well (and perhaps, better) the new models play and how consistant they remain. The reed strengths are now more in sync with cane reeds so ordering the right reed for your mouthpiece is less of a gamble. Also, the strength #'s are imprinted on each reed for easier indentification--no more lost labels (yea).
And I have just played some of the newer alto and tenor sax reeds and all I can think of to say is, WOW. Strengths 2.5 & 3.0 played effortlessly on my vintage Selmer C* mpcies, producing big, resonate sounds up to ultra high D, but were a bit hard for my preferred Hollywood Gregory alto and Guardala Studio tenor models, so I will be ordering some 2.0s soon. These new sax reeds from Forestone should replace everyones cane and Legere reeds in a very short time. If you are a doubler like myself, you just have to try them. I haven't bought a cane reed of any kind in over a year--and never plan to again!!!!!
BTW, I am not a Forestone "performing artist" nor am I paid in any way (other than a couple of freebies) to say these nice things about Forestones--I just that I like them and use them (and pay for most of them in my case).
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Author: Old Geezer
Date: 2010-04-12 16:02
Sherm also thinks a hard rubber clarinet is the equal if not better in sound, tone, etc. than the best wood clarinets.
The trial seven pack for $69.95 sounds good though.
Clarinet Redux
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Author: ariel3
Date: 2010-04-12 16:05
Thanks for posting this. It is good information for me except for the fact that they have eliminated the "quarter"strengths.
I just sent an e-mail to Lars asking why he eliminated the 3-1/4 strength that was perfect for me.
If they are not going to provide this strength, I will be checking out the new Legere reed.
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Author: JJAlbrecht
Date: 2010-04-12 16:39
Geezer, have you tried either the Forestone OR a hard rubber clarinet of modern design? I see you frequently slamming them, but do any of these comments come from actual experience with said products, or are they simply prejudices?
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Author: jasperbay
Date: 2010-04-12 17:59
I looked into that 'Trial 7-pack for $69.99' Wouldn't work unless I was a band director, music school admin. , or some such nonsense. Hope someone posts a note on the BB if that policy changes.
Clark G. Sherwood
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Author: Megham
Date: 2010-04-12 20:25
Where did you get information on the trial pack? My husband is a band teacher and may be able to order some. They are a great option for kids allergic to regular reeds. I looked at the link but didn't see anything. Perhaps I am just blind.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2010-04-13 04:27
I tried them at Musikmesse and got some samples. I chose the strength that played best for mre there, which I think was a 3, but now it feels a little too soft. In Musikmesse even the 2.5 felt ok. Maybe the different weather is causing it I don't know. But overall they semmed more promosing to me than Legere I've tried, though I haven't tried the new Signature that many say is better than other models.
I really hope to find a synthetic reed that is as comfortable to me as the cane reeds I play because of reeds breaking while playing and switching instruments often.
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Author: Clarinetcola
Date: 2010-04-13 07:39
Does anyone know how the new strengths relate to the old ones? I had the strongest F4 on my M30, and it was one strength too soft. I'd love to try out the new ones.
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Author: William
Date: 2010-04-13 14:29
I currently play Forestone #4's and the new 4.0 seems to be the same strength, if not a bit stiffer. I like the new "feel" as it supports the upper register notes more easily. The new 3.5 also plays well on my Kaspar #14 mpc but is a bit too soft. The 4.5, while it also plays well, is a little too stiff and would be more compatable with a Circero #11. Hope this helps.......
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Author: ariel3
Date: 2010-04-14 04:00
I received a reply from Lars from Forestone concerning their dropping the quarter strengths. He is urging me to try the F3 strength in place of the F3-1/4. I have been through this in my original search - the original F3 was too soft.
I now have eight of the F3-1/4 reeds on hand and hesitate to order another F3. I am considering trying the new Legere Signature while I have time to decide at leisure my best option.
I guess I am seeking some advice from the rest of you. Am I being unreasonable thinking that he should provide the quarter strengths as in the past ? Or has there been substantial changes been made to the new F3 strength reeds, thus making the quarter strength unecessary ?
In the meantime I could order the latest Signature Legere reed for a trial since I know that Guy will at least exchange it for a different strength.
At least I can still keep tooting while my supply holds out.
Thanks for your input,
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Author: William
Date: 2010-04-14 14:48
Personally, I think that the new F3.5 is more compatablile with the old F3.25 than the new F3 would be. The new strengths are meant to be more in line with those of the major cane manufacturers--particularily, Vandoren--and really make the old quarter strengths not necessary. Forestone is a young company trying their best to please us "picky" clarinetists. I think with the new strength offerings, they have finally got it right.
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Author: Old Geezer
Date: 2010-04-15 16:15
The e-mail address for the trial pak of seven has been removed.
This is a company NOT buyer friendly in any way!
Clarinet Redux
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Author: Old Geezer
Date: 2010-04-15 21:10
The e-mail address for the trial/pak of seven reeds is;
My e-mail order was bounced such address etc.
May be you can have better luck. The price was $69.95 for the pak.
Clarinet Redux
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Author: kdk
Date: 2010-04-16 00:22
Try <>
or <[>
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2010-04-16 03:50
Old Geezer, did you forget the .com only in your post above or also when you tried to email them?
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Author: Old Geezer
Date: 2010-04-16 16:11
No, that's the address their info panel about the 7/pak offer gave, another site blunder.
Click to order some Bb clarinet reeds go the bottom and click on more info about the 7/pak and see what you get?
Clarinet Redux
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Author: ariel3
Date: 2010-04-26 20:32
Hello again,
I wrote earlier that I was satisfied with the old Forestone 3-1/4 reed which was discontinued.
I tried both the new Legere Signature 3.25 strength as well as the new Forestone 3.5, and have made a decision to stay with the Forestone. This choice was an easy one for me since the new Forestone is an improvement over the former. It is a joy to play and the high notes are wonderful. I shall still use my eight older Forestones since they are very good, but I shall indeed switch to the new improved reeds.
The Signature reed was an OK reed, but did not provide the qualities I was seeking.
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Author: JJAlbrecht
Date: 2010-04-27 00:03
Well, I just ordered my first three Forestones. I hope they work as well for me as others have indicated.
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