The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Rusty
Date: 2010-04-03 02:56
I`m looking to find any clarinet recording done on the Zoom H2 or what folk have found as the best set up to do this. I would like to know what is achievable.
I ask because while large groups record OK my attempts at recording my playing is appalling. The sound from the clarinet plus accompanying keyboard sounds not too bad but is way off when recorded. I don`t know how to post a bit of the audio for you to hear, but any small wiggle in the note or miniscule fall off in pitch or significant change in tone with volume is noticeable. Perhaps 1 metre away is miking to close?
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Author: Clarimeister
Date: 2010-04-03 08:03
I recorded my prescreening audition for UCLA with the zoom H2 with my accompanist and couldnt be any happier with how well it came out. I placed it about maybe 8 feet away or so but it picked up the piano well and my clarinet sounded pretty darn good from it. It's a very honest recorder so, that's why it was only pretty good hearing myself heh.
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Author: Rusty
Date: 2010-04-03 09:11
Glad to hear Clarimeister you recorded OK. I`ve done another recording this time using the back mikes and surround pick up. Also put a little bit of reverb in on listening which improved things a bit. Also recorded the tenor sax which sounds much better than the clarinet.
Love to hear some of your recording.
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Author: clariknight
Date: 2010-04-04 01:59
I recorded auditions for some summer festivals on an H2. I think I used the back mics and I was happy with the results. The mic was about 8-10 feet away. I have no idea how to post the audio, but as soon as I do (anyone care to chime in with some help:)) I have some you can listen to.
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Author: clariknight
Date: 2010-04-04 16:42
David, thanks for the advice. I probably should have taken it at a quicker tempo, it would have made that breath (hopefully) unnecessary; I was a little worried about messing up though :P.
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Author: Rusty
Date: 2010-04-04 20:43
Looking for sites that might be playing H2s I came across Kyle Coughlin , a Baltimore musician. He is comparing different clarinets and while this was not of interest and I don`t think recording on a H2 I was amazed at the stunning quality that can be obtained when recording. I`ld settle for a fraction of that sound from my attempts.
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Author: clariknight
Date: 2010-04-04 22:19
I'll chime in again with something I forgot to mention. As any good recording artist will tell you, the room you record in matters a whole lot. The room I was in was very live, if the room you record in is dead you may have to experiment with different mic placements to get the best quality, or consider trying somewhere else.
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Author: Rusty
Date: 2010-04-05 05:23
No I don`t think the room I`m using is too dead altho` a little reverb in the PC software does help. It has just been that every little tone variation, every breath, rustle, fraction out of tone or tiny squeek is so noticeable on my recording. I suppose this speaks highly of the recording quality of the H2.
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2010-04-05 09:53
Rusty wrote:
>It has just been that every little tone variation, every breath, rustle, fraction
> out of tone or tiny squeek is so noticeable on my recording.
Yes, that's one of the frustrating things when recording oneself. Those recording devices are unforgiving.
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Author: DougR
Date: 2010-04-07 03:28
Some friends of mine were recording Mozart string quartets (not on a Zoom; on really high end stuff) and ended up have to spend a lot of time in the editing room trying to remove PAGE TURNS!! The equipment was so sensitive it could hear the musicians' fingers rubbing on the paper when the pages were turned.
Another friend self-produced a recording of the Brahms sonatas, got half a day's recording done but on playback, discovered that a couple of keys were making noise that he'd never noticed before, and he had to re-do everything--would have been too time-consuming and expensive (if not impossible) to somehow edit out the key-clicks.
If you want to improve the quality of the recordings on the Zoom, a cheap way to do it might be to acquire a recording program called Audio Hijack (if you're on a Mac, that is); you can record on the Zoom and then re-record through Audio Hijack adding various effects: 10-band equalizer, compression, reverb if you want to, etc. (I suppose any other editing program would work too; I just mention Audio Hijack because it's relatively cheap and very good for routine recording.)
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Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2010-04-08 20:34
Rusty, send me your email address I'll send you a great recording done with an H2.
Tom Puwalski
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Author: Rusty
Date: 2010-04-09 20:26
Thanks Doug and Tony for your help. Doug I was using Audacity but am now using Free audio Editor. Both are free but the latter has a reverb already in it.
Tony love to hear recording I`ll forward my e-mail address.
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