The Clarinet BBoard
Author: musica
Date: 2009-09-07 18:13
I am playing Telemann piece (Grillen Symphonie TWV 50:1 in G) and it calls for
Bb cl, C Clarinet, or Chalumeau(Eb). The conductor would like it played on the
Eb. When I'm transposing is it down a 4th or up a 5th? I would assume down
a 4th would place it more in line with the chalumeau timbre? Although it gets
a little rough in the throat register...... Thanks for any help.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2009-09-07 18:40
Yes, down a 4th, your F# is the concert A on the Eb clarinet, on the Bb clarinet you would play a B. Good luck with intonation though. ESP
Post Edited (2009-09-07 18:41)
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