The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Elisa
Date: 2000-09-18 12:52
Hi to everyone. It's the first time that I post a question here...I'm an Italian girl that would know if there is a site like for people who plays the trumpet.
Thanks in advance, you are GREAT!
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-09-18 15:20
I just noticed that Hiroshi, in the latest post to "Oboe Bulletin Board" [below] , mentions brass and an egroups list "tpin", [trumpet??]. Don
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Author: Bill
Date: 2000-09-18 15:59
eGroup - Trumpet Player On-Line
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Author: Lelia
Date: 2000-09-18 21:29
There's a very active (but argumentative) trumpet, flugel and cornet list run from the Trumpet Players' International Network site. For information on joining, go to:
That list is run from Dana U., a server that didn't have very good security as of about four months ago when I dropped off that list. Several times last year, live viruses made it onto that list in executable form, so I strongly recommend never downloading any attached file from there. Otherwise, it's a nonprofit list without much commercialism (although posting "for sale" and "wanted to buy" ads is okay) and includes several teachers and professional players.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 2000-09-19 02:59
This is a superb place to read which gathered many articles worth reading in TPIN past postings. This is worth reading even by clarinetists.
Also you can check these:
The International Trumpet Guild(,
Trumpet Player Online(,
Brass Resources(,
Brass Tactics(,
Essays on Trumpet-Brass Music(,
Trumpet Lessons(,
Nick's Trumpet page(,
Trumpet College(,
Trumpet Geeks International(
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Author: Willie
Date: 2000-09-19 05:27
I found some good sites on Brass Resources, and if I copied right, They list all sorts of sites for various brass players but I have found none, umfortunately, that equate to sneezy here. While I did find some valuble info here, I haven't yet found a site that has a good forum like this one.
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Author: Donn
Date: 2000-09-20 01:09
Very strange that nobody mentioned, which I consider to be almost (but not quite) the equal of this BB
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