The Clarinet BBoard
Author: thinker
Date: 2008-04-02 01:22
I'm brand new to the forum.
I'm an adult planning on taking clarinet lessons (I played sax years ago). My wife (also a sax player) has a Buffet-Crampon that hasn't been played in 25 years. It is beautiful - wood bodied and well preserved.
How can I tell if it is an R13? Are they marked somehow?
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Author: Ryder
Date: 2008-04-02 01:38
look for the serial number on the back by the joint between the upper and lower. Go to the Buffet website and do a search in their database. If you get BC1131, then you have an R-13. It will even tell you the date of manufacturing.
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Author: Jkelly32562
Date: 2008-04-02 02:26
I am not positive, but if i remember correctly BC1231 referred to an R13, but an A clarinet not a Bb. Though this I am probably wrong, I thought I remembered reading this somewhere.
Jonathan Kelly
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Author: thinker
Date: 2008-04-02 02:27
YIKES!!! Could it be that this thing is an R13 ....TUNED IN A!???
I've been researching their website - and that's kind of what it looks like.
My wife is a reasonably accomplished sax player who only played the clarinet briefly. I wonder if she even noticed.
Any help would be wonderful.
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Author: thinker
Date: 2008-04-02 02:36
Our messages crossed paths - I think that's correct. I'm going to double check the seriel #. The only way to know - is of course to play. She'd played the instrument in a pit band. I can't believe she wouldn't know she was a 1/2 step off.
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Author: thinker
Date: 2008-04-02 02:46
It is indeed an R13 B-flat. I misread the serial #. I went back down and re-read it.
The thing is actually beautiful - considering it's age. I'll have to take it to someone to have it redone. It hasn't been played twice in 20 years. The good news ---it turns out to be quite a nice clarinet.
Thanks for all the help.
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