The Clarinet BBoard
Author: rafa
Date: 2000-08-06 21:48
I'm looking for sombody who makes remakes classical clarinets.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2000-08-06 23:42
Check out one of the Sneezy sponsors - Stephen Fox, at <a href=></A>.
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Author: Dee
Date: 2000-08-07 01:32
How ancient are you talking about? Are you talking about restoring something or just an overhaul (pads, corks, springs, adjustments)? Any competant repairman should be able to do thorough overhaul on just about anything built in the last 100 years. The basic design hasn't really changed for this long or longer. By basic design, I mean the use of needle springs, flat springs, cork for joints, etc. I'm not talking about acoustical design like changes in bore shaping.
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Author: thomas
Date: 2000-08-07 05:24
try (Schwenk & Seggelke-Instruments in Bamberg (Germany)
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Author: Eoin McAuley
Date: 2000-08-07 23:17
The Early Music Shop, UK ( supply Baroque and Classical clarinets by Brian Ackerman. The Baroque clarinets are copies of the JC Denner and Zencker clarinets and are pitched at the standard Baroque pitch of A=415Hz. The classical clarinets are pitched around A=430.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-08-08 00:24
Interesting, Eoin, TKS. Also, Rafa, you could ask some leading questions on the "" and see what some expert restorers there have to say. Don
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