The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Meliam20
Date: 2007-06-19 21:29
I have an old Evette model Clarinet that I played on for almost 7 years. Now that Ive started to research its worth I cant find one like it anywhere. Its a real wooden Evette sponsored by Buffet and made in France. The serial number is unusual though. "B" followed by five numbers, which I havent seen. Im guessing its an intermediate model but thats all i know. Anyone know more...i'd love to hear your information!
The point being im wondering to sell it for a prof model or refurbish for my own use.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2007-06-19 22:34
In my arsenal of Buffet clarinets, I actually have the EXACT same clarinet you are describing, with mine being serial number B10094.
The B model Evettes (Sponsored by Buffet) are a bit more difficult to date. My best guess is the 1940's.
It really doesn't matter because it is only an average student level instrument of relatively minimum value.
I keep mine assembled 24/7 on my stand as a quick practice horn to demonstrate passages to my students.
One good aspect of the clarinet is that the wood (from that period) is tight grained and quite excellent. This particular clarinet has been played in literally ALL temperature conditions, indoors and outdoors and never a crack.
The original barrel is measured at 64mm, which put the intonation too high, so I replaced it with one at 66mm ...GBK
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Author: Klarinet
Date: 2007-06-21 06:34
Unlike GBK says my Evette was always tuned to low. Horrible, for the whole orchestra had to tune at 439 because of me.
The sound isn't that good either.
I was told indeed that it's a students model, not good enough to play on a particulary high level. And it's worth not much.
I'm glad I got rid of it.
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