The Clarinet BBoard
Author: music_is_life
Date: 2006-08-12 16:40
I have a question regarding jean cartan's "Sonatine".
on the first page of the first movement (pastorale) I noticed that in measure 4 the accidental system is a bit confusing. The very first run, for example, has a Ab and Bb marked and in the next octave has the A natural marked with a nat. sign. Does that indicate that throughout the rest of the runs the flat DOES NOT carry through the octave, or only where indicated with a nat. sign? The next time he puts in an accidental is the 3rd measure after [4], where the first run has the Ab and Bb marked, has nothing in the next octave marked, but the next run has the Ab and Bb marked in the higher octave.
does this mean that the flats DO NOT carry through the octave unless indicated by the accidentals, or that they do (unless he throws in a nat. sign)?
Sorry if this is a bit confusing but I just wasnt sure what the rule is for contemporary music...
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2006-08-16 03:53
I've never heard of this piece let alone heard or seen the music for it. I suspect that many others on the board are in the same position -- that may explain why no one else has responded earlier.
In general, however, there have been discussions in the past on this board regarding whether, by convention, accidentals carry into other octaves. A fairly lengthy one and a good place to start appears here:
I think the jist of the prior discussions is that, regardless of what convention may be in this regard, many composers/publishers do not intend that accidentals apply across octaves and many do. So your job is to figure out what the composer intends and it's often pretty easy to do if the composer/publisher is consistent one way or the other.
The difficulty in this situation is that the composer/publisher's notation does not appear to be consistent. If the intention is that accidentals apply across octaves, why place an Ab and Bb in the higher octave in the third measure after [4]. On the other hand, if the intention is that accidentals do not apply across octaves, why notate A natural in measure 4, particularly without notating B natural as well?
What to do?
The first thing you might do is check the piano score. If it has the solo part included, look to see whether it is in transposed pitch or concert pitch. If the former, is the notation exactly the same as in the clarinet part? If not, the correct notes may be in the score. If the latter, what notes are indicated in concert pitch and what do you get when you transpose them?
If this doesn't give you a clue, the best you can do may be to examine the context of the notes in question. One approach would be to see which note(s) fit better with the accompaniment.
Best regards,
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