The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jeff
Date: 2000-05-02 19:53
For an assignment I have to research to French composers. So the two that I picked are Debussy and Poulenc. Does anyone have any information on these two composers?
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Author: Frank
Date: 2000-05-02 21:46
I can tell you that they are both dead!
What sort of information were you looking for? Are you looking for trivia (like both of Debussy's wives shot themselves because of him!) or the importance of each in the French school of clarinet composition/performance?
Here's a piece of random information about Poulenc: in the 37 years since he wrote the clarinet sonata there has been 14 editions because of the controversy about some of the passages.
Happy researching,
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2000-05-02 22:00
Most libraries have the "Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians" which is an excellent, well-regarded source of the info you are looking for. Good research, Don
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2000-05-02 23:39
Don Berger wrote:
Most libraries have the "Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians" which is an excellent, well-regarded source of the info you are looking for. Good research, Don
Also Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians.
We all pay good money for libraries and librarians - get to know them! My local librarians have been a treasure when I've had to hunt little bits of information down - and sometimes you can return the favor (they asked to borrow my New Langwill for a day to help someone else out :^).
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