The Clarinet BBoard
Author: FrankM
Date: 2005-10-31 18:55
Teacher to Yogi: Mr. Berra, do you know anything ?
Yogi to Teacher: Sir, I don't even suspect anything !
Attributed to Yogi during his school days
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Author: Don Poulsen
Date: 2005-10-31 20:40
For those who don't understand it, the explanations improvised by Yogi Berra weren't really made by Yogi Berra, but were written by someone else in the style of Yogi Berra, which he should have explained in his comments, even if they were made by someone else.
I did learn something, though, as I had always thought that syncopation was when the beat wasn't on the beat.
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2005-10-31 20:49
TKS, GBK, "sounds" like Pure Yogi, perhaps also a bit like "who's on first" ?? Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2005-11-01 13:33
If it was really Yogi, we wouldn't know it. Since we know it, it isn't Yogi.
I couldn't fail to disagree with you less.
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Author: ken
Date: 2005-11-01 16:34
I conducted a quick study of 50 authenticated Yogi Berra quotes. I direct compared to the interview and matched 5 quotes repeated verbatim and 2 paraphrased ... it's probably not Yogi but a dome scratch-er nonetheless. Maybe the article would be funnier visualizing a white, orange-billed duck answering the questions? v/r Ken
Ninety percent of {music} is half mental. --Yogi Berra
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2005-11-01 20:33
Yogi didn't really say everything he said.
Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.
- Pope John Paul II
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