The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Anon
Date: 2005-05-13 16:52
Can anyone recommend some different duet books? I've been using the usual stuff and I'd like a change for my students as well as myself.
Any suggestions?
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Author: Tara
Date: 2005-05-13 17:25
I would like some suggestions here, too. I use the complete Klose for sightreading duets with some of my students. Lots to chose from in ANY key. I look forward to seeing what other posters have to offer.
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Author: SueSmith
Date: 2005-05-13 19:08
On this site, under Midi/sheet music offerings, there is a pdf. transcription of the Bach duo violin concerto. I just downloaded it can definately come in handy as a learning tool. And as a clarinetist I find it fun to play Bach. I also know of a duet book of transcribed two-part inventions, but I think that may be out of print.
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Author: ron b
Date: 2005-05-13 19:26
The most recent addition to my "library" is Bach Inventions [for 2 Clarinets - or (2 guitars)] by Perer Luisetti looks pretty good, if that's the one you're referring to, Sue. There are eight duets in this issue, copyright 1964. I don't know if it's out of print but I bought this copy recently from an eBay seller. I made photo copies of one of the duets, for personal use (I need to keep up with my student) just this morning for our session this afternoon and... I like Bach just for fun too 
- r n b -
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Author: SueSmith
Date: 2005-05-13 20:02
ron b wrote:
> The most recent addition to my "library" is Bach Inventions
> [for 2 Clarinets - or (2 guitars)] by Perer Luisetti looks
> pretty good, if that's the one you're referring to, Sue. There
> are eight duets in this issue, copyright 1964. I don't know if
> it's out of print but I bought this copy recently from an eBay
> seller. I made photo copies of one of the duets, for personal
> use (I need to keep up with my student) just this morning for
> our session this afternoon and... I like Bach just for fun too
> - r n b -
LOL Ron, If its the duet book that went for about $7 a few days ago, I was eyeing that too...but never got around to putting a bid in...
Small world.
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Author: Tom A
Date: 2005-05-13 22:45
I'd love to help, but I need to know what constitutes "the usual stuff".
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Author: ron b
Date: 2005-05-13 23:15
It might well be, Sue, I believe I was the only bidder on it. It might also have been a little more than a week because I've deleted the transaction. Yehhhh, small world in many ways.
- ron b -
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Author: Anon
Date: 2005-05-14 00:44
Usual stuff = all the Rubank series, the Belwin books, the duets that appear in the Klose as well as the Keith Snell series for beginners (don't have it in front of me to get the name right, sorry) I also have a Voxman book...Sorry I can't be more specific but all these books are out at the school where I teach.
Commenting on the earlier posts about Bach: I too have a book of Bach Inventions that has been handed down thru my clarinet-playing family; the price on it is 45 cents! hahaha OLD BOOK!
I also have a very beat up copy (minus a cover) of Mozart duets and I sometimes use the Devienne flute duet book for some sightreading. Good practice for upper range playing.
SO: what else can people suggest?
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Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2005-05-14 11:54
Don't ignore flute, oboe, and saxophone duets as those will get your students into some other keys that are less common to the clarinet. As long as you are not using a piano accompaniment, who cares.
I often play the Rose Studies on saxophone and just shift octaves when required (which is a good thing to learn as well).
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Author: johng ★2017
Date: 2005-05-14 13:18
Look in the sponsors under "music and books". Since I am one of those, I can't tell you which one (no commercial posts), but there is one there with lots of what you are looking for.
[ I can - it's J B Linear Music - Sponsors are always free to answer questions and putting a link in your 'signature' is fine. It's real 'advertising' ("I have a new shipment of ..." "Come to my site ..."), especially unrelated to a question, that is not allowed. When in doubt, drop the moderators a line. Mark C. ]
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Author: MC
Date: 2005-05-14 16:03
I've purchased several of John's duets (JB Linear Music). Not only are they challenging, they're just darn fun to play. As an added bonus, John is terrific to do business with -- very pleasant, and more than willing to answer questions about his products.
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Author: Anon
Date: 2005-05-15 11:07
Thanks for the link to JB Linear - it's a great site with some interesting stuff! I'm looking forward to using some things from there!
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Author: earlthomas
Date: 2005-05-16 03:48
You might enjoy the new Southern Music Company (B-521) David Hite collection of duets. Also, please check out where you'll find my transcription of Mozart K. 424 (originally for Violin and Viola) in the original key of B-flat - Mozart is soooo iinteresting!
Post Edited (2005-05-16 03:51)
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2005-05-16 13:53
I bought all of John's Duets and they are really, really great. Orchestral works - very applicable to an advanced Clarinetist.
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