The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Pat Boyle
Date: 2004-07-14 19:21
Began learning the clarinet 2 1/2 years ago. Am middle age. On a scale of 10, I would rate myself at a 3, at this point. Have been playing a used bundy resonite student model. Then purchased a used wood model from Ebay for a couple hundred dollars. Very disappointed with the instrument and returned to playing my used bundy plastic resonite model.
Am going to Clarinetfest2004 and thought I would play several models in the hope of finding and purchasing a new one. So many brands and models with so little time. Thought you could help me slim the list to less than half dozen based on my hope of growing from a 3 to a 6 on a scale of 10. Not set on one brand over another. Would prefer a wooden instrument. My price range would be up to $2,000 but am looking for value/quality commensurate with my stage of development. Your thoughts would be most appreciated.
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Author: JMcAulay
Date: 2004-07-14 19:52
Pat, what sort of playing do you prefer or plan to do? Symphonic, concert band, jazz, etc.?
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Author: psychotic lil clarinet girl (don't as
Date: 2004-07-14 22:02
I just got an evette buffet and schauffer master model off of ebay, sounds WONDERFUL... the tone is great... and only $325.00... I really got a heck of a deal on that, but maybe something by buffet, because they're just awesome horns... hope this helps...
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2004-07-15 00:12
There are at least 3 other good makers of pro cls, Selmer, LeBlanc and Yamaha, I prefer the Sel and LeB, more from my familiarity than other considerations. What might be your "disappointment" with your wood?, unless it is just un-repairable, I'd get a good repairer's assessment before giving up on it. Also used [good] horns are available at about $ 500-1000 {EBAY, used inst sellers etc] and likely would be all that you need, those are what I play on, a Selmer CT or 9,9*, or LeBlanc LL, Dynamic/Classic/ L7, other L's are fine, relatively inexpensive cls on the used markets. New horns are great, but costly and may need as much initial "tweaking" [minor repair] as a good-quality used one, IMHO . Good luck.
, Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: ron b
Date: 2004-07-15 00:50
I like Bundys and Vitos, PJB, when I venture into Boehm territory. They're sturdy, intonation is not bad and the keywork feels pretty good to me. When the pads are good and the adjustments are right... I just don't find a need to spend a mini-fortune on a "pro" model instrument, no matter who makes it. Many will disagree with me but that's my opinion.
- r n b -
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