The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ken Abbott
Date: 1999-12-23 17:27
I am old clarinet hack with a friend interested in a "step-up" horn. I need come current expertise. What do people think of the E-11? What can they be purchased for? How does it compare to the R-13? Is it that much better than the Evette wooden clarinets?
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Author: Gary Van Cott
Date: 1999-12-23 17:58
My answer would be yes. But everyone's different. You have to try the instruments to see if it makes a difference.
I believe a used professional horn is the best answer for an adult who is serious but wants a good instrument for the money.
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Author: Meredith H.
Date: 1999-12-23 21:17
The R-13 is more than a step-up horn it is a professional model. The E-11 is a nice instrument but I don't think you would regret going for the pro-grade R-13. The is nothing like having good equipment.
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Author: Albert
Date: 1999-12-23 22:31
I thought the E in E11 stood for Evette...?
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Author: M. Brand
Date: 1999-12-24 00:07
I currently play an R-13 and use my old Evette Master Model as a backup. I find the Evette to be a great intermediate horn, but not quite as nice as the R-13. The R-13 just seems to do everything a bit better, such as intonation, response, dynamics, etc.
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Author: Kylene
Date: 1999-12-24 06:02
I play on an E-11 right now. I love the instrument, it is obviously not a pro grade instrument such as the R13, but It is way better than a beginner instrument as well. If you get a good mp/lig setup, with the right reeds, it will work great, IMO.
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Author: Captain Kirk
Date: 1999-12-24 19:29
A Buffet E-11 is an intermediate clarinet but the R-13 is a pro model. They are both good horns, but I think the E-11 is not worth the money. if your friend plans to get a pro model someday, the e-11 isn't worth the money. But if your friend doesn't ever want a professional model or is tight on cash the E-11 is probably good
Cap'n Kirk
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Author: Sara
Date: 1999-12-25 04:10
I played on an E11 for about a year and a half before I got me Buffet Festival and I love both of them. I think my E11, bought used for 525 was well worht it, the tone and wood made a world of difference after playing on an old beat up plastic clarinet. Now my pro horn is great even better than anything I've ever played before. I use the E11 as a back up to my Festival. I don't think the E11 is a waste of money, but then again I didn't pay for a new one I bought an extremely nice used one.
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