The Clarinet BBoard
Author: OpusII
Date: 2004-06-02 06:42
I'm trying to order the Baermann Complete method Book 3 in the Netherlands, but it really seems that none of the local shops know the book... I could order it in America, but I really don’t like to pay the necessary shipment costs.
Can you provide me with the ISBN number, that really would make it easier to order the book here
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Author: GBK
Date: 2004-06-02 07:10
Baermann Complete Method - Book 3 (ed.Langenus) Op.63
Carl Fischer Music Publisher; (January 1943)
ISBN: 0825802156 ...GBK
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Author: justwannaplay
Date: 2004-06-02 10:21
What do I have? My copy says on the cover (green) C. Baerman, Complete Method for Clarinet, Op. 63, but in the upper left corner it says: 1st and 2nd divisions combined. Also published by Carl Fischer, but the ISBN number is:
825801702. There is no III anywere. Do I have the same book as the Baermann III?
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Author: GBK
Date: 2004-06-02 11:17
justwannaplay wrote:
> What do I have? My copy says on the cover (green) C. Baerman,
> Complete Method for Clarinet, Op. 63, but in the upper left
> corner it says: 1st and 2nd divisions combined. Also published
> by Carl Fischer, but the ISBN number is:
> 825801702. There is no III anywere. Do I have the same book as
> the Baermann III?
No - You have the combined Books 1 and 2 of Op. 63.
Baermann III (op. 63) is different. There also is Baermann IV (Op. 64) and Baermann V (Op. 64) ....GBK
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Author: mw
Date: 2004-06-02 13:54
I really have enjoyed the books which feature Baermann3 arranged by key.
(from Southern Music)
C131: Foundation Studies for Clarinet (Baermann Book 3) expanded and edited by David Hite. Southern Music Co., SS, 96 pages. David Hite has arranged the scales, arpgegios, and exercises in the Carl Baermann Method for Clarinet Book 3 in order of keys. He has also included some suggested fingerings and additional material.
David Hite has one (above). I have used another - good stuff. Was more expensive I think, but worth what ever it was.
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Author: beejay
Date: 2004-06-02 17:07
Have you tried Vandoren or Flute de Pan in Paris? You could pay in Euros, and the shipping costs would be lower. I found Baermann 3 recently in Flute de Pan on the Rue de Rome.
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Author: larryb
Date: 2004-06-02 18:31 also has it in a couple of different editions (including Carl Fischer) is located in Frankfurt.
Doesn't that great msuic shop in Amsterdam (the one near the Concertgebouw and conservatory) have it?
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