The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jessica
Date: 1999-02-20 05:32
My private lesson teacher wants me to play the Weber First Concerto. He wants me to order it for clarinet and piano, and he wants me to get an edition that has the Baermann cadenza in it. I already have the version by Southern Music, but it doesn't have the cadenza. Can anyone tell me where I can order a clarinet and piano version with the Bearmann cadenza?
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Author: Paul Wusow
Date: 1999-02-20 05:49
I usually order from EBLE MUSIC
PO BOX 2570
This company is fast and reliable. Oh, and they stock a lot of music!
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Author: Terri
Date: 1999-02-22 03:53
I would recommend Eble Music located in Iowa. I order a lot of my music from them and it's great. They have a TON of clarinet music, it's really great stock and if they don't havewhat you want they will order it. Weber's 1st concerto with the Baeramann cadenza will be there as it's a standard piece of repertoire.
Here's the info,
Eble Music
Box 2570
Iowa City, Iowa
(319) 338-0313
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