The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Corey
Date: 2003-05-12 02:06
There are two bore styles of Rossi clarinets, american and french. Which of the two plays more like buffet, selmer, leblanc, etc.? Thanks a bunch...I would also like to know what you think of them as well....thanks-Corey
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Author: Bradley
Date: 2003-05-12 04:00
Well it depends
The American is supposed to be "R13 Style" which means its probably not like all Buffets, LeBlancs and Selmers. Since "cyso_clarinetist" plays an R13, I don't really trust that he could truly explain which bore is more similar to each particular brand and even model. I will leave this to someone who has more experience in the area to comment properly on the issue.
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Author: graham
Date: 2003-05-12 07:33
Unless he has cut back production there are four types. The other two are English and Viennese.
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Author: Corey
Date: 2003-05-13 02:48
Yes, techinically there are 4 bore types.....but the WW/BW and IMS only sell the french and american bore models. These are the only two I was interested in as well.
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Author: diz
Date: 2003-05-13 02:50
Speaking of Vienese clarinets (in particular the Vienna Philharmonic) - do they use "special types" of clarinets (their oboes are "faux classical"). And no, I'm not meaning german system - I know that much.
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Author: cyso_clarinetist
Date: 2003-05-13 03:10
Since "cyso_clarinetist" plays an R13, I don't really trust that he could truly explain which bore is more similar to each particular brand and even model.
Yes indeed I play an R-13 clarinet but this doesn't mean that I am completely oblivious to other makes and models of clarinets. To be honest I am quite the opposite of the case. I have met Mr. Rossi and I have play tested several of his clarinets and I almost bought one. I know the differences between his clarinets.
"I will leave this to someone who has more experience in the area to comment properly on the issue."
Then why did you comment in the first place? Perhaps one may think that because he or she reads catalogues all-day that they actually know what the difference between clarinets are. Personally, I rather have the ability to play the clarinet and decided rather than to just read catalogues and form opinions.
- James
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Author: cyso_clarinetist
Date: 2003-05-13 03:13
I should also that perhaps you will get the most satisfactory answers from Mr. Rossi himself. I believe he has a website somewhere and an E-mail address you can contact him at. He is a very nice and friendly person. I'm sure he would find time to answer your questions.
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Author: Bradley
Date: 2003-05-13 03:27
At least Corey got some actual help out of this....
I'm sure you would know about what I do and all, so I wont even try to argue with the high and mighty "Jaems"- and that was on purpose.
Since you want to be childish I can do the same. You have to admit your first answer was incredibly helpful. At least my comments dragged the last bit of usefulness out of you.
I didn't want this to turn out like it has, which was stupid of me since i threw that out there to begin with not expecting you to reply. I hope it can at least become private if not end here since I'm sure the other members don't really care about what we think of each other.
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2003-05-13 06:12
yeah, I'm interested in Rossi clarinet, some actual INFO would be nice. I can't seem to find his website, does anyone know what it is? All 3rd party websites I've come across are in languages other than English. Thanks.
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2003-05-13 11:41
Mark - I only really use this website for the forums, it's in my favorites which takes me straight to the forum topic. Thanks for the info though.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-05-13 11:51
Morrigan wrote:
> Mark - I only really use this website for the forums, it's in
> my favorites which takes me straight to the forum topic.
Please use it for many more things - the forum is only one of many parts to the site. There are answers to many other questions if you start at and look around.
The forum was added much later than the original site.
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Author: William
Date: 2003-05-13 14:18
In selecting any clarinet, it is really about how it plays for you and how well you like it. Two years ago, I played an "American" bore Rossi Bb at IMS and, for a clarinet "off the shelf", it played as well as my hand-selected, multi-tweeked LeBlanc Concerto--and I liked it!!! I often wonder how much "better" it might have played after a Brannens type "make over", but that is all speculation. My observation was that the Rossi played very much like my LeBlanc Concerto (which is very much like my R13).
Duke--"If it sounds good, it is good."
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Author: cyso_clarinetist
Date: 2003-05-14 03:07
I wonder what a brannenized rossi would be like as well. To bad they only do work on Buffet, Leblanc, Selmer and Yamaha :(
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2003-05-14 05:12
IS 'American' style 'R13' style? Can someone tell me what the difference between French and American style is? I thought they were similar.
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Author: BARRY
Date: 2003-05-14 08:52
All I know about Rossi clarinets is that Gervase de Peyer is currently using a pair. He complains a bit about the sharp clarion B/C/C# notes as the horn has been deliberatley shortened to make the chalumeau equivalents (E/F/F#) in tune.
Apart from that I don't like their tone at all at all.
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Author: graham
Date: 2003-05-14 12:07
I would imagine G de P plays on the widest (English) bore models. Have you (i.e. Barry) heard many players playing these models? Or have you played them yourself?
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Author: Liquorice
Date: 2003-05-14 14:43
I tried some Rossi instruments and found the B/C and C# clarion notes a bit FLAT! In any case, this all seems to highlight the problem of having a one piece body- you can't adjust the tuning with the middle joint. I play in an opera orchestra and it sometimes gets really hot in the pit. I wouldn't be able to play at all in tune if I couldn't pull out in the middle a bit.
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