The Clarinet BBoard
Author: it
Date: 2003-04-16 23:40
Every time i have been playing my clarinet lately, i get the worst case of hiccups ever! I can't play with them, and once they go away, they comeback when i pick up my clarinet again? Whats up with this? does anyone know???
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Author: hans
Date: 2003-04-16 23:52
Hi Melissa,
I've had this too (seems to be cured since my hiatus hernia was repaired). How long after eating are you playing? And does it make a difference? Do you have a hiatus hernia?
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2003-04-17 02:31
Could be worse. There was a trumpeter in my school who had a chronic case of the hiccups. She hiccupped the entire two years I knew her (she graduated two years after I entered HS). She ended up leaving band cause she couldn't control it and it's not the best for playing. after all those doctors and treatments I still don't know if she was cured or not.
Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!
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Author: PJ
Date: 2003-04-17 03:27
Could be a mental thing. Everytime you pick up your horn, you could be subconciously thinking your diaphram into spasms. Anyone know if this is a possibility?
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Author: psychotic_clarinet_chica
Date: 2003-04-17 14:17
One of the other clarinets in my band used to have this problem. You are probably inhaling too fast when you take your breaths. Try taking the same amount of air in when you breath, but make it a longer breath in instead of a short fast one. Good luck!
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