The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-23 04:56
After a bit of work I've been able to make this new, faster version of the Phorum software work with the new Clarinet Pages format. Not everything is done yet (many (most!) of the new links don't work, old pages need to be revised, edited, and put in the new format, etc.) but this was the biggest piece.
You'll notice that the sponsors are now categorized on the right hand side, and are easier to scan through. You'll also notice that you can now add attachments and "smilies" into your postings, and there's a "Help" link to show you the methods of marking up your postings.
Also, active posts will "float" to the top, not scroll off the page. If it appears that we're getting a "post that will not die" I will close the post - I can now do that administratively rather than just asking.
There is also a requirement to create a "Login" now. There's more than one reason for that, and I won't get into all of them, but it will help things out. You won't have to show your email address on your postings, but I will require you to enter a valid one in your "registration" page.
Unfortunately, every post will appear "new" to you. You'll probably want to select the "Mark all read" link and then just watch for new posts at the top of the page.
Have fun! ![[grin]](
Post Edited (02-23-03 14:44)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2003-02-23 05:17
Mark...Congratulations on a great job!! ![[toast]](
All your hard work is so much appreciated by the many members of the world wide clarinet community.
A big "Thank You" ...GBK
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Author: TallClarinet
Date: 2003-02-23 05:36
Yay! The Board looks much better now! And much more functional too!!
Congrats Mark on your hard work!
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Author: Clarence
Date: 2003-02-23 06:25
Things look good. The red in the author name is a bit bright though.
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Author: Liquorice
Date: 2003-02-23 07:20
Thanks Mark! We all appreciate your hard work. The new format looks great!
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Author: Peter
Date: 2003-02-23 07:35
Interesting. Looks good. Efficient. It'll be nice to have the active posts automatically at the top, where we won't have to hunt for them.
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Author: Clare
Date: 2003-02-23 08:38
Even the old Clarinet Pages were wonderful, so well done for improving it. We really appreciate it.
Incidentally, I could get the links to Resources, Music, Home etc at the top of the page to work. Is that because they're among the things you're still sorting out, or am I doing something wrong?
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Author: Clare
Date: 2003-02-23 08:39
Even the old Clarinet Pages were wonderful, so well done for improving it. We really appreciate it.
Incidentally, I could get the links to Resources, Music, Home etc at the top of the page to work. Is that because they're among the things you're still sorting out, or am I doing something wrong?
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Author: jbutler ★2017
Date: 2003-02-23 11:56
Wow! What a surprise! It took a moment to get used to, but I like it.
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Author: beejay
Date: 2003-02-23 12:57
FYI, it looks very good in Internet Explorer. It does not display properly, however, in Opera -- at least on my computer. Best wishes
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Author: beejay
Date: 2003-02-23 13:02
My apologies. After a bit of tweaking, I got it to work in Opera as well, where it really performs like a diva.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-23 13:08
Clare wrote:
> Incidentally, I could get the links to Resources, Music, Home
> etc at the top of the page to work. Is that because they're
> among the things you're still sorting out, or am I doing
> something wrong?
There's still a lot of work to be done ... only the Classifieds, Sponsors, Calendar, and BBoard are running in the new format. Everything else needs converting.
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Author: John J. Moses
Date: 2003-02-23 13:59
Hi Mark:
just a quick word of thanks for this BB. It's a great help and source of information for all of us.
You are a charming man, and I enjoyed meeting you and your wife in NYC.
Thanks for making this unique way of communicating possible.
I, and many others, appreciate all your hard work.
Légère Artist
Clark W. Fobes Artist
Post Edited (02-23-03 15:00)
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Author: Sarah
Date: 2003-02-23 14:47
I like it! The red is a little shocking though, but I'll deal with it
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Author: Webmaster
Date: 2003-02-23 16:55
Julia wrote:
> how do you check those that we've read?
Meaning what exactly?
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2003-02-23 16:56
Also, a "go to the top" at the bottom of the page, like on the old lay-out, would be nice.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-23 16:57
Robert Small wrote:
> Also, a "go to the top" at the bottom of the page, like on the
> old lay-out, would be nice.
It IS there - right above the "Reply to this message".
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2003-02-23 17:03
It's not showing on my computer. I see "Reply To This Message" in the lower right hand corner of the box but there's nothing above it. Also, do I have to log in everytime I post. I had to give my name and password for this post and I've already put up two messages in the past few minutes.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-23 17:11
Robert Small wrote:
> It's not showing on my computer. I see "Reply To This Message"
> in the lower right hand corner of the box but there's nothing
> above it.
The "Reply to this Message" text box (blue header).
> Also, do I have to log in everytime I post. I had to
> give my name and password for this post and I've already put up
> two messages in the past few minutes.
Not if you have cookies turn on for this site and you check the "Remember my password" box on the login. If cookies are off and/or you don't check the box - yes, you'll have to log in each time you post. I suggest turning cookies on for the Woodwind.Org domain if you want to use the features, but that's up to you.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-23 17:28
If you don't have cookies turned on you probably will have problems logging in. Turn them on for the domain .
They hold information about your preferences and login session and other types of information. Without them it's a very major problem to keep session information around.
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2003-02-23 17:34
Seems to be OK now. I didn't touch the cookies. It'll probably just take me a little while to get used to the new format. I'm an old dog and learn new tricks slowly.
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-02-23 18:08
Work now for me Mark. Thanks
Notice that "search" does not yet work for "names". In the correction process?
Bob A
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-23 18:14
When I moved from the 1st forum to the last one there were screams then (for really good reasons, too - I couldn't move the old postings to the new one since they weren't database driven and conversion would have been very, very painful if conversion was even possible ) ...
If you have suggestions, etc., over the next few weeks jot them down. Before I make any changes I want people to become "familiar with the new". Changes I make here have to be considered at a global level, especially if they affect overall look & feel, some let's hold off a bit.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-23 18:16
Bob A wrote:
> Notice that "search" does not yet work for "names". In the
> correction process?
Sure it does - but you have to click the box for "authors". To speed up the search the authors are not searched by default - you have to specify them.
Post Edited (02-23-03 19:16)
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Author: jim lande
Date: 2003-02-23 21:12
I have poor vision. (That's one reason I learned to play by ear.) I have a hard time reading the titles with red on grey. When you decide to tweak the format, please consider a different combination.
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Author: AL
Date: 2003-02-23 21:49
Many Thanks for such a good, worthwhile board
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Author: AL
Date: 2003-02-23 21:52
Many thanks for such a good, worthwhile revised board.
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Author: AL
Date: 2003-02-23 21:52
Many thanks for such a good, worthwhile revised board.
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Author: AL
Date: 2003-02-23 21:53
Many thanks for such a good, worthwhile revised board.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-23 22:27
Just a note - you can edit your own posts, and preview will show you what it will look like before it goes up.
There's a possibility I'll add a spell checker to the preview pane over the next few months ...
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-02-23 23:42
Barry, I am interested in your comments about getting the BB to work on Opera. I use Opera also and if there are special requirements could you e-mail me Thanks
Bob A
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Author: Nate Zeien
Date: 2003-02-24 00:21
Greeting, all. It's been a while since I've been on the board. Is the Klezmorim Forum still active, or has it been discontinued? I can't seem to find it. I found a post mentioning it from about 10 days ago, but no luck.
Well, anyhow... For those of you who may remember me from a while back, things are going fine. I am still happily clarineting, of course. :-Þ College life for me, lately, has left less time for computer recreation. This is partially my fault, too, having a couple majors and playing clarinet in band, playing violin in orchestra, a clarinet quartet, and a medieval/renaissance recorder ensemble. It's worth it, though. It's a blast, really. Anyhow, greetings to Bob Arney, Mark C., and the rest of the gang, as well as plenty of new faces, as well. I hope to frequent the board a bit more, now. -- Nate Zeien
P.S. -- What is the official spelling, anyhow? Clarinetting, or clarineting?
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-02-24 00:26
Hi Nate, welcome back. How is your "A" Clarinet holding up?
Bob A
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2003-02-24 00:32
Snazzy look. Change is frequently difficult, eh? I about fell off my chair when clicking the BB link on the homepage took me here! LOL!
Didja really still all the Klezmorim Forum stuff here, then? If so, I think it'll work just fine! And those of us "living" on the "edge" of the folk clarineting world can attempt to subvert the rest of you all! 
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-24 01:18
The Klezmorim Forum is still there - just unaccessable at the moment. I'll probably rename it to something else and bring it back online here.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2003-02-24 01:49
"...I'll probably rename it ..."
How about the "Dead Sea Scrolls"? ...GBK
Post Edited (02-24-03 02:56)
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-24 02:26
A couple of people have been confused with the new time reported on postings.
Since this BBoard is really international in scope (and seems to be more so every day!) the time is reported as UTC (also known as GMT, Z, or Zulu). Every time zone is relative to UTC.
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Author: Brett
Date: 2003-02-24 03:53
Speaking of threads that won't die ;-)
Just kidding. Well done Mark. Looks great.
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Author: Liquorice
Date: 2003-02-24 07:11
Nate Zeien wrote: "What is the official spelling, anyhow? Clarinetting, or clarineting?"
Actually there is no such word! If there was, I guess the British spelling would be "clarinetting", and the American "clarineting"??!
Mark- I think it will be great if you add a spell checker. It will stop silly discussions of spelling, which I am so prone to getting involved in!!
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Author: Gordon (NZ)
Date: 2003-02-24 09:02
For a spelling checker, just download the free add-on one (especially for use in web sites) at
Now I just click 'Tools', then 'ieSpell', and the spell check is already in motion.
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Author: jez
Date: 2003-02-24 09:42
Looks great Mark!
When I posted a message it came up twice, though I don't think I did anything wrong. I see a lot of the same. Peter Clare and Al on this thread.
Is ther something we need to avoid doing? Can we edit it away or is that what jenna tried?
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Author: jenna
Date: 2003-02-24 11:23
I gave it a shot, but to no avail.
I think I got tripped up in the preview, perhaps. Maybe it doesn't like when you preview then move back in your browser or something. Some message boards are funny like that.
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Author: Rene
Date: 2003-02-24 14:42
Ispel was quiet a nise tipp, Gordon.
-- started spell checker
Ispell was quiet a Nisei tippy, Gordon.
-- wrong correction
Ispell was quiet a nice tip, Gordon.
-- OK now, but wait!
Ispell was quite a nice tip, Gordon.
-- Uff.
Now I got it, I hope.
tonging - seems to be correct the speller says
embouchure - corrected correctly from embuchure
There's still hope for this board!
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-24 14:45
Robert Small wrote:
> I find the red color hard on the eyes and hard to read.
Better now? ![[happy]](
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2003-02-24 17:41
Like the new color scheme much better!
Thanks Mark,
Sylvain Bouix <>
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Author: JMcAulay
Date: 2003-02-24 19:43
Thanks again, Mark. I also vote to do something with that red (soften it, maybe, but keep a good luminance contrast with the background). As an alternative, perhaps diz can fly here from Oz to adjust my monitor every time I want to check out the BB.
And yes, tonging is quite correct, if you happen to be writing about having your tongue grabbed with a set of red-hot tongs. That's real tonging.
Onward and upward.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-24 20:17
JMcAulay wrote:
> I also vote to do something with that red
> (soften it, maybe, but keep a good luminance contrast with the
> background).
No democracy here (The red works fine for me; softening it makes it significantly worse in contrast for me).
BTW - on most Web browsers you can apply your own overrides to whatever the Web designer requested (like changing the link colors). On IE look up "override" in the help section. In Netscape look under "Customizing your Browser".
Post Edited (02-24-03 21:25)
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Author: ~ jerry
Date: 2003-02-24 22:27
The blue text is easier on my old eyes, Mark. Looks great. Thanks for the hard work.........I know, you computer guys call it fun.
~ jerry
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2003-02-25 16:08
Is it possible to get the "Go To Top" link at the bottom of the thread.
That would prevent from having to scroll all the way up to return to the main BB page.
Sylvain Bouix <>
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-25 16:12
Sylvain wrote:
> Mark,
> Is it possible to get the "Go To Top" link at the bottom of the
> thread.
> That would prevent from having to scroll all the way up to
> return to the main BB page.
> Thanks,
Just noticed that it only applied to the flat view vs. the threaded view.
Post Edited (02-25-03 17:13)
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2003-02-25 16:13
That was fast ,
Thanks Mark.
Sylvain Bouix <>
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Author: RonD
Date: 2003-02-25 16:14
how do you get to the top of page without scrolling?
Post Edited (02-25-03 17:15)
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-25 16:15
Lunchtime editing ... I'm at work (really, I do have a full-time job. I work over at Ford Motor Company in my other full time job. )
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Author: RonD
Date: 2003-02-25 16:19
Sorry, just saw the go to top, guess my eyes cant adjust to new format.
Its hell to get old and fail to adjust to new ways of doing routine things.
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Author: jez
Date: 2003-02-25 19:27
One thing that concerns me is that one could reply to a message from years ago and bring that thread to the top of the current page.
Things I said in the past could come back to haunt me!
Is there a cut off point? Wouldn't it be a shame to lose our historical perspective? Couldn't old information be misleading placed out of time-scale?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-02-25 19:39
jez wrote:
> One thing that concerns me is that one could reply to a message
> from years ago and bring that thread to the top of the current
> page.
> Things I said in the past could come back to haunt me!
Ah, the power of the pen (and computers, and the Internet )
> Is there a cut off point? Wouldn't it be a shame to lose our
> historical perspective? Couldn't old information be misleading
> placed out of time-scale?
Yes, it could, but I can also cut off further posts if I deem it necessary and watch it slowly scroll off the page again ...
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-02-25 19:58
Hey RonD! "Its hell to get old and fail to adjust to new ways of doing routine things."
It's even worse for us old geezers to "get routine and fail to adjust to new ways of doing old things."
Bob A
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Author: RonD
Date: 2003-02-25 23:36
Ok Bob, I am now off to get my fix of Geratol, I sure hope it helps. ![[up]](
Post Edited (02-26-03 00:40)
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Author: Nate Zeien
Date: 2003-02-26 00:00
Mark C. wrote: "The Klezmorim Forum is still there - just unaccessable at the moment. I'll probably rename it to something else and bring it back online here."
Hrm, rename it as in file or folder, or as in the name as a whole? I kind of like the old name, but am not so passionate as to put up much of a protest about it. :-Þ After all, you *are* the webmaster, and also, perhaps there is a good reason for a new name. (As there was for "sneezy")
Also, I do like the new look of the site. Way to go! :-)
-- Nate Zeien
P.S. Bob A: I'll try to send off an email before too long... Things are going fine with the A. I had a few post tightened, and a few ordinary little maintenance things. As luck would have it, my prof was giving away a couple double clarinet cases. I got one of those. I hope he found a home for the other one, other than the trash can. :-) *shrug* They were both in good shape, nothing a little duct tape can't fix. Heh heh...
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Author: David Peacham
Date: 2003-03-02 16:48
To go with the UTC times, perhaps you could switch to a date format that folks outside the US of A can understand. [insert smiley of choice] 2003-03-02 would be unambiguous, at least.
If there are so many people on this board unwilling or unable to have a civil and balanced discussion about important issues, then I shan't bother to post here any more.
To the great relief of many of you, no doubt.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-03-02 18:30
David Peacham wrote:
> To go with the UTC times, perhaps you could switch to a date
> format that folks outside the US of A can understand. [insert
> smiley of choice] 2003-03-02 would be unambiguous, at least.
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Author: Guido
Date: 2003-03-03 00:55
'Just want to express my own appreciation for the high calibre of exchange, content and cordiality which characterize this forum.
Like many here, I quietly lurk and learn, but remain consistently impressed with the manners and methods employed by forum contributors. The forum remains a wonderful refuge from the rigors of communications beyond its walls.
Special note of thanks to Mr. Charette, whose efforts empower us all.
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Author: jez
Date: 2003-03-03 14:20
Is that the third of February, or the second of March?
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Author: Clarence
Date: 2003-03-04 00:35
I noticed that when I click on the in the upper left, one of the topics is oboe. Are you going to have oboe message areas like the clarinet message areas ?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-03-04 01:23
Clarence wrote:
> Mark,
> I noticed that when I click on the in the upper
> left, one of the topics is oboe. Are you going to have oboe
> message areas like the clarinet message areas ?
Yes. Soon.
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Author: Karel
Date: 2003-03-04 09:53
Have you noticed, Mark, that the new date format is the exact reverse of what the rest of the world uses?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-03-04 11:26
Karel wrote:
> Have you noticed, Mark, that the new date format is the exact
> reverse of what the rest of the world uses?
Not true at all ...
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Author: Todd W.
Date: 2003-03-04 18:10
Mark C. --
Good. Seems clear to me -- it now goes from biggest to smallest unit (reading left to right): year, month, day.
Todd W.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-03-04 21:05
Todd W. wrote:
> Mark C. --
> Good. Seems clear to me -- it now goes from biggest to smallest
> unit (reading left to right): year, month, day.
It's also the ISO preferred method.
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Author: Peter
Date: 2003-03-05 19:50
Yes, Mark, a spell checker would be nice!
Anyone who needs a spell checker until Mark gets it done for here, can write their piece in Word format, then just cut and paste it onto the WW/BBs message window after checking the spelling.
Just remember that, while the Word spelling and grammar checker is usually helpful, it is not always 100% correct and can be misleading under certain circumstances.
Post Edited (2003-03-05 20:53)
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Author: Todd W.
Date: 2003-03-05 20:18
MC --
Naturally, you can't go wrong following the practices of the Ishpeming Symphony Orchestra.
Todd W.
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Author: Webmaster
Date: 2003-03-05 21:23
Peter wrote:
> Anyone who needs a spell checker until Mark gets it done for
> here, can write their piece in Word format, then just cut and
> paste it onto the WW/BBs message window after checking the
> spelling.
That can actually cause major headaches - Word uses character codes for many things that don't reliably work on Web pages. If you use Word (or any other word processor) to spell check please use the "Preview" button before posting to make sure that things look "right" (and even then they might not look "right" to other users).
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Author: David Peacham
Date: 2003-03-06 08:20
Has anyone other than me had problems with the new version of Phorum crashing Internet Explorer? Some of the links (for example, the one about Meisterwerkstatt clarinets, cause IE to display a message box about some address in memory not being read.
If there are so many people on this board unwilling or unable to have a civil and balanced discussion about important issues, then I shan't bother to post here any more.
To the great relief of many of you, no doubt.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-03-06 15:14
David Peacham wrote:
> Has anyone other than me had problems with the new version of
> Phorum crashing Internet Explorer? Some of the links (for
> example, the one about Meisterwerkstatt clarinets, cause IE to
> display a message box about some address in memory not being
> read.
That's a memory error on your computer. The Phorum uses ordinary HTML (and indeed is developed using IE 6 as baseline, then checked on the latest versions of Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, and Gecko)
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Author: Clarence
Date: 2003-03-06 16:23
Is there any way to change the user profile? I need to have my email address available to the public.
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Author: Webmaster
Date: 2003-03-06 17:02
Clarence wrote:
> Mark,
> Is there any way to change the user profile? I need to have my
> email address available to the public.
Click on "My Profile". "Edit Profile" is a link in the blue header.
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The Clarinet Pages