The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Pitiscus
Date: 2003-02-23 15:32
Does anyone have any opinions on Yamaha's Allegro clarinets? Do most people consider them to be very free blowing or resistant?
I'm planning on buying an intermediate clarinet, and while most people have mentioned that sticking to one of the "big four" is a safe proposition, when they mention specific models, it's usually the Y-34 or Y-52 for Yamaha. I rarely hear anyone mention Yamaha's Allegro clarinets.
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2003-02-24 13:34
Allegros aren't sold online at discount music stores, so a lot of people aren't familiar with them. I have play-tested about 6 of these at various times and never bought one because I found them unsatisfactory in both tone and intonation. It is considered a bit higher on the list of Yamaha clarinets than the YCL 52, but I don't think it's a better instrument. If you are going to buy one be sure to take your tuner along and play test several. I would also advise playing something like the Leblanc Esprit or some of the other comparable brands while you're in the store.
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