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De Profundis

Drexler,David (1967-)
Sex  Male
Comments  David Drexler's music has been performed on three continents by groups such as L.Ensemble Portique, Synchronia, Sound--The Alarm!, The Dutch Tuba Quartet, the May in Miami Festival, and the EmergOrchestra, and has been broadcast on Wisconsin Public Radio and many new-music radio shows around the country. He has received grants and commissions from the Oakwood Chamber Players, Music St. Croix, the Madison Chapter of the Wisconsin Alliance for Composers, the Wisconsin Arts Board, and others. His work "Liberal Media" was recorded by the Oakwood Chamber Players and appears on their CD "Scenes."
Written  2001
Duration  7:00
Comments  De Profundis was written in remembrance of the victims of September 11, 2001. The opening and closing sections are settings of "Aus tiefer Not," Martin Luther's hymn based on Psalm 130, a prayer of deliverance. The middle section sets two phrases excerpted from Roman chant: "De profundis" from the Offices of the Dead and "Lux aeterna" from the Requiem Mass.
Publisher  Drexler
Inst.  [3] Clarinet in Bb, Piano, Cello

Lehmann,Hans Ulrich (1937-)
Sex  Male
Written  1989
Publisher  Gravis
Inst.  [3] Contrabass Clarinet, Percussion, Cello

Prepared on Tue Jan 16 21:51:57 2007