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Bach for Clarinets

Bach,Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Sex  Male
Comments  Taken from the Two-Part Inventions, the Well-tempered Clavier books, and other works. These delightful and substantial pieces for the most part have not previously been available for wind instruments. They are excellent material for recreational playing, for sight-reading, for instruction and study, and for performance. As such they will interest intermediate and advanced clarinetists, private teachers, and school and college level music instructors. These pieces develop and reward good taste. They are structurally diverse and continuously present something new for the ear, the mind, and the fingers. They have been used in private instruction for several years before publica- tion as rich reading practice and study pieces. They wear well and are a good foundation for further study in musical composition, theory and literature. Mostly they are fun to play. They are printed on durable 60# velum bristol paper, drilled for keeping in a 3-ring binder.
Publisher  Legacy
Inst.  [2] Clarinet in Bb, Bass Clarinet
Comments  Arranged by Harvey Sandberg
Publisher  G. Schirmer
Inst.  [1] Clarinet in Bb
Comments  Arranged by Eric Simon

Prepared on Sat Jan 7 16:09:22 2006